Replacement parts for dust collector filter bags

Are You Looking For Dust collector filter bag?

Sofilt is an industrial dust filter bags manufacturer, Products include polyester, acrylic, ppS, aramid, P84, PTFE, fiberglass,and dust collector cages. Our products have been sold worldwide for a wide range of applications in In cement, steel, chemical, power, smelting, etc,For replacing dust collector filter bags and dust collector cages.

Fiber typeProperties
Continuous temperatureMaximum temperatureResistance to Hydrolysis

Resistance to AcidsResistance to AlkalisResistance to Oxidation
Polyester, PES135°C (275°F)150°C (302°F)FairFairExcellent Very good
acrylic126°C (260°F) 145°C (293°F) GoodAverageGoodVery good
PPS190°C (375°F)210°C (410°F)Very good Very good Very good Very good
Aramid(Nomex)200°C (392°F) 220°C (430°F) Fair/PoorGood Excellent Excellent
Polyimide(P84)260°C (500F) 280°C (536°F) Good FairGoodGood
PTFE260°C (500°F)280°C (536°F) Excellent Excellent Fair/PoorGood
Fiberglass260°C (500°F) 280°C (536°F) Good Fair AverageAverage

How to choose dust collector filter bag?

If you’re looking for the best dust collector filter bag material, there are a few things to consider.

First, what kind of dust are you collecting?

Second, what’s the temperature inside your dust collector?

 And third, how often do you need to change the bags?

Here’s a quick rundown of some of the most popular materials for dust collector filter bags:

Polyester is a popular choice for general purpose dust collection, and can handle temperatures up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.Polyester fabric is the most widely used material at normal temperatures and is the most cost effective option in many factories in low temperature environments.

Acrylic fiber filter bag features: It has good acid resistance, alkali resistance, heat shrinkage rate and hydrolysis stability. Excellent abrasion resistance, oil and fat resistance. Good heat setting performance.

PPS dust collector filter bag is widely used in carbon black, waste incineration flue gas purification and other industries. PPS has good heat resistance and stable size under the working temperature of 160-180 degrees Celsius.

Aramid(NOMEX) is an aromatic polyamide fiber with excellent heat resistance. It can work continuously at 204 degrees Celsius and has a maximum working temperature of 240 degrees Celsius. Nomex needle felt is widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, building materials and other industries with poor working conditions due to its excellent heat resistance and high filtration efficiency.

PTFE dust collector filter bags are made of PTFE fiber, which has excellent heat resistance and chemical stability. It can be used in a wide temperature range from -180°C to +260°C. PTFE bag filters have good acid and alkali resistance and are suitable for filtration of strong acid and alkali. PTFE material has good hydrolysis resistance and is suitable for wet gas filtration. PTFE bag filters have good self-cleaning performance, which can reduce the frequency of filter bag replacement and maintenance, and improve production efficiency.

P84 polyimide filter bags have excellent performance on heat resistance, working temperature as high as 250-280 degree C/482~536F; P84 polyimide filter bags have good performance on anti-acid and anti-alkali, but not recommended to be used in strong oxidizing agent environment; P84 polyimide filter bags have excellent abrasion resistance, 3 times higher than that of the traditional fiberglass filter bag;

Fiberglass fabric is a very economical alternative to expensive PTFE, P84, NOMEX, PPS and other high temperature fabrics in many environments and performs equally well. It is usually 20-40% cheaper than PTFE, P84 and Nomex for the same size. So glass fibre is also an option for high temperature environments and can withstand temperatures of up to 260 degrees Celsius.

Pleated filter bags

Filter Cartridge

There are a few other things to keep in mind when choosing a dust collector filter bag material. Make sure the material is compatible with the type of dust you’re collecting, and check the maximum operating temperature to make sure it won’t be damaged by the heat inside your dust collector. Also, consider how often you’ll need to change the bags – some materials are more durable than others and can last longer before needing to be replaced.

Once you’ve considered all of these factors, you should have a good idea of which dust collector filter bag material is right for your needs.

If you’re still not sure, or if you have any other questions, our team of experts is always here to help. Give us a call or send us an email and we’ll be happy to assist you in finding the perfect solution for your dust collection needs.

How does baghouse system work?

Baghouses are a highly effective and cost-efficient dust collector. They work by drawing dusty gas from fugitive or process sources into fabric filter bags which lie in rows upon vertical metal housing, then capturing any particulates that fall onto them during its passage through these filters while exhaustively blowing clean air back out at us via an induced draft blower inside the facility.

A negative pressure is created by an induced draft fan, which then passes the dust-laden gas through a steel box, which will use a breathable cloth bag or filter paper, just like the air conditioning cartridge in your home. The bag or cartridge traps the dust, the clean gas exits on the other side and then the dust is blown off the surface by a pulse jet, which achieves the purpose of filtering the dust.

The three most common baghouse cleaning systems are pulse-jet, shaker and reverse air. The differences between these kinds of vacuum filtration plants depend on what they do to remove the accumulated dust from filters during a cycle – this process takes place in different areas inside each type as well!

  • pulse-jet
  • shaker 
  • reverse air

Like the simple diagram below

How does dust collector filter bag work?

Dust collector filter bag works by trapping dust and other contaminants in the air as it
passes through the bag. The bag is made of a porous material such as cloth or paper,it
allows the air to flow through, captures the dust and other particles.When the gas
passes through the surface of the filter material, the dust will be trapped by the filter
material and then pulse blown and fall into the ash bin. And the filter media, which is
divided into many kinds, there are filter paper, non-woven needle felt, metal, etc.
Currently, the most commonly used worldwide are polyester needle felt, PPS needle felt,
aramid, glass fiber, filter cartridge, and filter paper.

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